
Stories by Khayati Suri

July Edit, 2022

Khayati Suri is not just a marketing whiz; she is a true creative force, fueled by an insatiable passion for photography, music, and poetry.

From scaling mountains to strolling through vibrant markets, she approaches life with infectious enthusiasm.

Her incredible journey and her unique perspective have deeply inspired Asaii's July Edit collection.

Anjuna Commune, A love letter to Freedom

November Edit, 2023

In the heart of Anjuna, just steps from the pristine beaches of Goa, Asaii's studio stands as a testament to the rich tapestry of the past. In a place where stories intertwine, histories are painted, and traditions are reborn, we find ourselves enveloped by the spirit of Anjuna.

The tales of yesteryears have left an indelible mark on this collection.